Set Etiquette and Hierarchy

Online Course

Presented by Studio 20Q

This workshop is a must for all students because it covers the essential basics of film set hierarchy. It's not just a one-time thing – every cycle, students should take part in this course because it forms the foundation for any aspiring filmmaker.

Read more about your instructor and the structure of the course below.

Towards the end of the workshop, there's a quiz waiting for you. It's a must for everyone, and you need to get all the answers right. Failing to do so means you won't be granted permission to work on the upcoming film set of your choice.

By the conclusion of the workshop, you'll have the knowledge you need to confidently step onto a film set. You'll understand the dynamics that unfold during the production process, setting you on the right path as you pursue your filmmaking dreams.

Meet your instructor

Meet your instructor ✳


Our workshop instructor, Eiman Mirghani, is an independent Sudanese filmmaker who kickstarted her career as an assistant director with the Doha Film Institute after graduating in Media and Film Studies from the University of Nottingham. Her first short film, "Is That All There Is?" is a neo-noir experiment set within an Arab space.

Eiman will guide you through the workshop, starting with breaking down the film set hierarchy into two main categories: Above The Line crew (ATL) and Below The Line (BTL). ATL includes the creative and decision-making roles, while BTL covers the technical and production roles.

Don’t forget to take the quiz to confirm you have completed the course.